

shadow warrior
Life Syphonage
Deals [214% of Attack] damage against back-line enemies and has a 38% chance to freeze for 2 round, healing self for [600% of Attack] HP. Cannot be dodged.
Will Of Undead III
Increases HP by 40% and HitPrecision by 20%.
HP Ceremony III
Gains [75% of Attack] HP when the enemy Hero triggers dodgeBlock.
Honest Heart III
Each attack heals self for [112% of Attack] HP.


shadow assassin
Electric Surge
Deals [180% of Attack] damage against 4 random enemy and has a 100% chance to stun Mage for 2 rounds, dealing extra [180% of Attack] damage. Cannot be dodged.
Weakpoint III
Increases Armor Break by 40%, Attack by 25%, HP by 15%.
Chase III
Basic Attack targets the enemy with the lowest HP, dealing [130% of Attack] damage, reducing the target's Armor by 20%. (Cannot be dodged).
Blood Armor Break III
While below 80% health, increases self Armor Break by 40%, Crit by 20% and heal self for [400% of Attack] HP each round for 5 rounds.


shadow warrior
Infernal Strike
Deals [260% of Attack] damage against the enemy with the lowest HP. Reduce its attack by 30% for 2 rounds with a 75% chance of dealing [520% of Attack] extra damage. Cannot be dodged.
Will Of Undead III
Increases HP by 40% and Armor Break by 36%.
Death Threat III
Gains +16.8% Armor Break and +14% Crit with each attack.
Electric Surge
While below 50% health, increases Attack by 100% for 3 rounds. Skill can be triggered only once.


shadow priest
Kalma Ray
Deals [156% of Attack] damage against back-line enemies and has a 35% chance to petrify them for 2 rounds. Increase Allies' HitPrecision by 30% for 3 rounds.
Precise Strike III
Basic Attack targets front-line enemies, dealing [105% of Attack] damage, reduce targets' DodgeBlock by 20%. Cannot be dodged.
Kharma's Eye III
Increases HitPrecision by 45% and Attack by 45%.
Blood Strike III
While below 50% health, increases Attack by 100% for 3 rounds. Skill can be triggered only once.


shadow assassin
Deal [220% of Attack] damage against 2 random back-line enemies, poison them, dealing [66% of Attack] damage each round for 6 rounds with a 50% chance to stun them for 2 rounds. Gain +50% Reduce Damage for 2 rounds. Cannot be dodged.
Attack Weakness III
Increases Armor Break by 20%, Attack by 35%, HP by 15%, increases [20% of Attack] damage on poisoned enemies.
Envenomed Blade III
Attack has a 100% chance to poison the target, dealing [55% of Attack] damage for 6 rounds.
Toxicmist Barrier III
While below 50% health, poisons 2 random back-line enemies, dealing [125% of Attack] damage for 4 rounds. Skill can be triggered only once.

Blood Blade

shadow assassin
Exotic Blade
Deal [138148% of Attack] damage against 3 random enemies and [46% of Attack] extra damage each round for 3 rounds. If the target is a Ranger, then increase extra damage by 62% each round. Heal self for [170% of Attack] HP. Cannot be dodged.
Rain Blood III
Each attack has a 100% change to bleed the target, dealing [45% of Attack] damage each round for 4 rounds and gains +16.8% Armor Break for 4 rounds.
Carnage Heart III
Increases HitPrecision by 25%, Attack by 30%, Armor Break by 32%, HP by 20%, dealing extra [85% of Attack] damage on bleeding foes.
Life Drain III
Whenever an enemy Hero dies, heals self for [240% of Attack] HP.


shadow warrior
Fury of Iciness
Deals [174184% of Attack] damage against the front-line enemies and has a 42% chance to freeze them for 2 rounds, heals self for 20% of total HP. Cannot be dodged.
Realm of Frost
When taking damage by the non-warrior target, has a 20% chance to freeze the target for 2 rounds. When taking damage by the warrior target, has a 35% chance to freeze the target for 2 rounds.
Winter is coming
Increases Attack by 15%, Increases HP by 30%, Increases Armor by 30%, Frozen immune
Absolute zero
While below 50% health, heals self for [440% of Attack] HP for 3 rounds continuously. (Can only trigger once)

Honor Guard

fortress warrior
Deal [136% of Attack] damage against back-line enemies with a 30% chance of stunning them for 2 rounds. Gain +30% Reduce Damage for 3 rounds.
Dwarf Glory III
Increases Armor 48% and HP 40%.
Counterattack III
When taking Crit damage, has a 100% chance to Counterattack (cannot be dodged), dealing [140% of Attack] damage.
Blood Armor III
While below 50% health, increases allies Armor by 100% for 3 rounds. (Can only trigger once)


fortress assassin
Gale Blade
Deal [220% of Attack] damage against 2 random back-line enemies, and deal [102% of Attack] extra damage each round for 4 rounds. Cannot be dodged.
Bleed III
Each attack has a 100% chance to bleed the target, dealing [96% of Attack] damage each round for 2 rounds.
Shadow Dance III
Increases DodgeBlock by 2535% and Attack by 40%.
Weakest Of The Pack III
Basic Attack targets the enemy with the lowest HP, dealing [120% of Attack] damage, steal targets' Attack by 15% for 3 rounds.


fortress ranger
Rainbow Laser
Deal [162% of Attack] damage against 4 random enemies, cause extra [45% of Attack] bleeding damage and [45% of Attack] poisoning damage for 3 rounds. Gain +40% Attack for 3 rounds.
Ninjutsu III
Increases DodgeBlock by 2540%, Speed by 60 and HP by 1525%.
Keen III
Each attack increases DodgeBlock by 610% and Attack by 16%.
Thrash III
Basic Attack targets front-line enemies, dealing [95% of Attack] damage.


fortress mage
Chaotic Shade
Deal [146% of Attack] damage against all enemies with a 100% chance of stunning Priest foes for 2 rounds, dealing [160% of Attack] extra damage.
Honest Heart III
Attack reduces the target's Attack by 11% for 3 rounds.
Magic Energy III
Increases Skill Damage by 95%, HP by 50% and HitPrecision by 30%.
Bad Temper III
Attack has a 80% chance to reduce target's Crit by 15% and increase self Attack by 25% for 3 rounds.


fortress priest
Blue Lightning Laser
Deal [125% of Attack] damage against 2 random back-line enemies, and heal all allies for [200% of Attack] HP with a 30% chance of healing [340% of Attack] extra HP each round for 3 rounds. Cannot be dodged.
Healing III
Attack has a 100% chance to deal extra [50% of Attack] damage and heal a random ally for [50% of Attack] HP each round for 3 rounds.
Power Of Ormus III
HP+35%, Attack+25%.
Heart Of Ormus III
While below 30% health, heals all allies for [135% of Attack] HP. Skill can be triggered only once.


fortress priest
Void Nightmare
Deal [116% of Attack] damage against all enemies and reduce their HitPrecision by 20% for 3 rounds. Increase Speed by 30 points and Attack by 20% for all allies for 3 rounds.
Spiritual Blessing III
Increases HP by 40% and Speed by 50.
Element Fission III
Basic Attack targets 3 random enemies, dealing [80% of Attack] damage.
Courageous III
While below 50% health, increases allies' Attack by 29% and reduces all enemies' Armor by 29% for 3 rounds. Skill can be triggered only once.


fortress warrior
Flame Bomb
Deal [156166% of Attack] damage against 3 random enemies, reduce their Armor by 30% and burn them, dealing [54% of Attack] burning damage each round for 3 rounds. If the target is a Warrior, deal 86% more burning damage. Cannot be dodged.
Burning Pain
Attack has a 100% chance to reduce the targets armor by 24%. Deals [45% of Attack] damage each round, lasts for 4 rounds and increase self damage to the burning target by 40% and lasts for 4 rounds.
Lava Shield
Increases Armor by 48%, Attack by 20%, HP by 30%.
Burning Counterattack
After being attacked by enemy whose Armor is lower than self, has a 100% chance to Counterattack, dealing [180% of Attack] damage.


fortress mage
Electric Power Surge
Attacks four random targets, deals [160165% of Attack] damage against one of the targets and has a 100% chance to stun it for 2 rounds, deals [190195% of Attack] damage against one of the targets and has a 50% chance to stun it for 2 rounds, deals [210215% of Attack] damage against one of the targets and has a 30% chance to stun it for 2 rounds, deals 270275% damage against one of the targets. Cannot be dodged.
Each ally's Skill Attack deals [165% of Attack] damage against 1 random enemies and has a 25% chance to stun enemies for 2 rounds.
Conductive Constitution
Increases Speed by 40, HP by 30%, Crit by 20% and immune stun.
While below 80% HP, increases Reduce Damage by 50% for 5 rounds. (Can be triggered only once)


abyss ranger
Storm Blade
Deal [132% of Attack] damage against all enemies and bleed them, dealing [75% of Attack] extra damage each round for 3 rounds. Reduce their Crit by 25% and Crit Damage by 30% for 3 rounds.
Eye For Eye III
Each attack grants self with 20% Crit, reduces the target's Crit by 20% for 4 rounds and has a 50% chance to increase self Crit Damage by 30% for 2 rounds.
Blade Fury III
Increases Attack by 50%, Crit Damage by 30% and HP by 16%.
Counterattack III
When taking damage, has a 100% chance to Counterattack (cannot be dodged), dealing [120% of Attack] damage.

Lord Balrog

abyss warrior
Dark Blade
Deals [320% of Attack] damage against an enemy and heals the ally with lowest HP for [560% of Attack] HP, increasing Attack by 60% each round for 2 rounds. Cannot be dodged.
Fear III
When taking damage, reduces the attacker's Crit by 18% for 3 rounds.
Demon Heart III
Increases Armor by 40% and HP by 40%.
Devil Armor III
While below 30% health, increases Armor by 120% for 3 rounds. Skill can be triggered only once.

Fat Mu

abyss ranger
Fist of Fire
Deal [182% of Attack] damage against 3 random enemies and burn them causing burning damage in 3 rounds. Burning damage is started from [150% of Attack] and decreased by 24% per round. Cannot be dodged.
Attack III
Increases Attack by 35% and HP by 30%.
Ignite III
Each attack has a 75% chance to burn the target, dealing [110% of Attack] damage each round for 2 rounds.
Flame Skin III
When taking damage, has a 90% chance to burn the target, dealing [120% of Attack] damage each round for 1 rounds.


abyss warrior
Deal [119% of Attack] damage against back-line enemies with a 32% chance of stunning them for 2 rounds, and a 20% chance to tag them with a Round Mark that will cause [250% of Attack] damage after 2 rounds.
Demon Heart III
Increases Armor by 40% and HP by 40%.
Counterattack III
When taking Crit damage, has a 100% chance to Counterattack (cannot be dodged), dealing [320% of Attack] damage.
Spar Barrier III
While below 50% health, increases Reduce Damage by 45% for 3 rounds. Skill can be triggered only once.


abyss warrior
Fire Sword
Deal [146% of Attack] damage against all enemies, and [140% of Attack] extra damage to Warrior foes. Increase the caster's Reduce Damage by 12%. Cannot be dodged.
Power Of Dantalian III
Increases Armor by 40%, Attack by 25% and HP by 25%, increase damage by 70% to Warrior.
Fighting Spirit III
Each attack grants self with 12% Attack for 6 rounds.
Self Cure III
Heals self for [52% of Attack] HP when taking damage.


abyss warrior
Suppressed Strike
Deals [190200% of Attack] damage against front-line enemies and if having more health than the being attacked foe, deals extra [1518% of the foe's MAXIMUM health] damage, increases Attack by 15% and Armor Break by 15%. Cannot be dodged.
War Weaken III
Skill attack and basic attack cannot be dodged. Each attack has a 100% chance to steal the target's 25% Armor for 3 rounds.
Iron Body III
HP+40%, Attack+35%, Armor+40%.
Violent Attack III
At round 4, increases Crit by 60% and Crit Damage by 100%.


forest assassin
Infernal Strike
Deals [210% of Attack] damage against 2 random back-line enemies and bleeds the Mage target, dealing extra [50% of Attack] damage each round for 3 rounds. Cannot be dodged.
Demon Hunter III
Increases Crit by 30% and Crit Damage by 50%.
Weakest Of The Pack III
Basic Attack targets the enemy with the lowest HP, dealing [120% of Attack] damage, reduces the targets' Attack by 20% for 3 rounds.
Toxic Attack III
Each attack has a 50% chance to poison the target, dealing [125% of Attack] damage each round for 2 rounds.


forest warrior
Shadow Burst
Deal [185% of Attack] damage against front-line enemies and absorb 35% of their Armor for 2 rounds. Heal self for [160% of Attack] HP each round for 6 rounds. Cannot be dodged.
Fear III
When taking damage, reduces the target's Attack by 15%, Crit by 24% for 2 rounds.
Groo's Tenacity III
Increases HP by 44% and Reduce Damage by 26%.
Counterattack III
When taking damage, has a 100% chance to Counterattack (cannot be dodged), dealing [200% of Attack] damage.


forest warrior
Edge Pressure
Deals [158% of Attack] damage against 3 random enemies and heals self for [360% of Attack] HP, gains 30% Crit and 30% Crit Damage for 3 rounds. Cannot be dodged.
Warsong Roar III
Each attack grants self with 30% Crit Damage and 15 Speed, heals self for [70% of Attack] HP.
Brave Eddga III
Gains 30% Attack and 35% Crit as a back-line Hero; gains 60% HP and 30% HitPrecision as a front-line Hero.
Frenzied Howl III
While below 50% health, increases Attack by 28% and Crit by 30% for 3 rounds. Skill can be triggered only once.


forest priest
Sky Collapse
Deals [262272% of Attack] damage against 4 random enemies and heals allies for [120% of Attack] HP, lasts 6 rounds.
Queen's amnesty III
Increases Attack by 30%, HP by 25%, and Crit by 35%.
Symphony of stars III
Each attack heals you for [120% of Attack] HP for 3 rounds and grants you +30% Attack for 3 rounds.
Elegy of confusion III
While below 50% health, has 100% chance to silence for 1 rounds to all enemies and increases own Crit Damage by 50% for 6 rounds. (Can only trigger once)

Heart Watcher

forest assassin
Mind Torture
Deals [250255% of Attack] damage against 2 random enemies, reduces their Attack by 25% for 2 rounds and tags them with a Watcher Mark. Cannot be dodged. Watcher Mark will increase target's taken damage by 45%. Watcher Mark's effect can overlay. (Watcher Mark Damage overlay cap: 300%)
Tough Heart
Increase Attack by 30%, Crit by 30% and HP by 20%.
Life Regain
Critical Strike has a 100% chance to heal self for [280% of Attack] HP.
Weakness Strike
Basic Attack targets 2 random enemy, deals [110% of Attack] damage and tags the targets with a Watcher Mark. Watcher Mark's effect can overlay. Cannot be dodged, Watcher Mark will increase target's taken damage by 35%. (Watcher Mark Damage overlay cap: 300%)


dark assassin
Deals [300% of Attack] damage against 2 random enemies. If the target is a Priest, deals [180% of Attack] extra damage. If the target's HP is higher, deals [20% of target's total HP] extra damage and gains Crit by 40% for 3 rounds. Cannot be dodged.
Whenever an ally release Active Skill, gains 30 Energy and heals self for [100% of Attack] HP.
Increases HP by 30%, increase Armor by 60, increase Armor Break by 40%, immune silence.
Basic Attack changed to Attack random 1 back-line enemy, deals [130% of Attack] damage and reduces their Energy by 50. Cannot be dodged.


light priest
Holy Light
Deals [158% of Attack] damage against 4 random enemies and heals 3 random allies for [165% of Attack] HP. At the same time, increases the 3 allies' Holy Damage by 25%. Cannot be dodged.
Spring To Life III
Each attack heals self for [115% of Attack] HP and increases Holy Damage by 20% each round for 4 rounds.
Heavenly Order III
Increases Holy Damage by 60%, Attack by 25%, HP by 20% and Crit by 20%.
Self Cure III
Heals self for [40% of Attack] HP and increases Holy Damage by 20% each round for 3 rounds when taking damage.


light warrior
Divine Burst
Deal [115% of Attack] damage against all enemies and tag them with a Critical Strike Mark of [200% of Attack] damage, a 30% chance of adding an extra Critical Strike Mark of [140% of Attack] damage. Cannot be dodged.
Asmodeus III
HP+40%, Holy Damage+36%, Crit+24%, increase Reduce Damage by 15%.
Sacred Seal III
Attack has a 100% chance to tag the enemy with a Critical Strike Mark and increase self Crit by 12% for 3 rounds. Upon triggering, Critical Strike Mark deals [90% of Attack] damage.
Light Guardian III
When taking damage, has a 100% chance to tag the enemy with a Critical Strike Mark and increase self Crit Damage by 15% for 3 rounds. Upon triggering, Critical Strike Mark deals [65% of Attack] damage.


light ranger
Divine Sanction
Deal [148158% of Attack] damage against 4 random enemies with a 40% chance of stunning them for 2 rounds. Heal the ally with the lowest HP for [400% of Attack] HP and increase the ally's Crit by 20% for 3 rounds. Cannot be dodged.
Light Will III
Increases Holy damage by 60%, Attack by 30% and Speed by 40.
Disciples of Light III
Has a 100% chance to resurrect with 100% HP after death.
Redemption of Michelle III
Increases Control Immune by 100%.

Faith Blade

light assassin
Deals [300% of Attack] damage against 2 random enemies, has a 100% chance to stun the target for 2 rounds if the target has higher HP, deals extra [160% of Attack] damage against the target if the target has lower HP.
Basic Attack targets the enemy with the lowest HP and deals [130% of Attack] damage. Cannot be dodged.
Whenever an enemy Hero dies, gains self 100 Energy immediately and increases Holy Damage by 30% for 3 rounds.
Increases Holy Damage by 70%, increase Speed by 60, increase Crit by 30%, immune stun.